MAM (Máthair An Mháthair)

MAM (Máthair An Mháthair)


MAM is a two hour therapeutic post partum experience. We start with a held space to unpack your birth story, an opportunity to be witnessed in active listening without interruption or advice.

Then we begin your Closing of the Bones Ceremony by gently rocking the body parts towards relaxation before binding the body in a traditional closing ceremony for the post partum woman. Whilst bound, I will guide you through a bespoke journey to bring healing and closure, including intuitive guidance, optional drumming, reiki, chant and song.

Closing of the Bones can bring physical relief including therapeutic adjustments to the pelvis and lower back, emotional support and nervous system down regulation. It is a profound healing modality to help bring closure to the physical and energetic portals that open during pregnancy and birth. This treatment offers deep healing for any woman who has birthed or been pregnant, but can also be experienced by any person wishing to bring healing or closure to a threshold moment in their lives.

(Recommended for post partum women anytime from 6weeks after birth. There is no time limit, a post partum woman is always post partum!

This service is also available to women who have experienced baby loss, those on a fertility journey, or simply if you feel the call. )

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