“We humans are the only creatures who are in-between. We’re of the earth, but don’t belong to it, because we strain after the heavens; and yet the heavens aren’t full in us. So this wonderful, restless, eternal longing in us has us always on a quest”
I am a yoga teacher & space holder, actress and voice over artist, mama and postpartum doula on a colourful quest for authentic living. I love functional postural alignment AND freeform movement practises. My classes draw on the ancient practises of yoga and tantra, earth based teachings of Celtic Spirituality and modern self-knowledge studies including Jungian Psychology and neuroscience.
With a background in performing arts, I have devoted over 16 years to meditation, breathwork and movement which I believe promote inner freedom and inspire creativity. I have worked with a diversity of creatives and corporates including London's National Theatre Company, The Miro Gallery, The Healthy Holiday Company, Soho House, and taught at many of London's most loved studios.
Passionate about all things feminine, I work with women to educate, embody and empower. I facilitate courses, classes, retreats and women's work in Ireland, the UK and across the globe. My great passion lies in inspiring women through creativity and connection,within ourselvelves, the environments we inhabit and the communities we create. Jai ma! (Victory to the Mother)